Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Quote from The Dark Knight Rises
Jim Gordon: I never cared who you were...
Batman: And you were right.
Jim Gordon: ...but shouldn't the people know the hero whot saved them?
Batman: A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.
[takes off in the Bat]
Jim Gordon: Bruce Wayne?

Friday, October 25, 2013


Watched two movies today, The Colony and Spawn. I prefer Spawn better, The Colony wasn't that good. Spawn had a good story line but the acting was a bit bad and the graphics were.............. childlike. 

The Colony is  2013 Canadian science fiction horror movie, it has  Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Zegers, and it also had Charlotte Sullivan and Bill Paxton. Now I have nothing against the Canadian filmmakers but this horror film was just plan out dumb. The main character played by Kevin Zegers turns into a killer when he seems like this peaceful man, it was a little strange.  In this movie, the characters would never shoot the main bad guy, they always had to blow something up. Yes a movie always need a good scene where something blows up but when each time the a person could of shot the main bad guy but doesn't then it getting a little over the top. By the way the plot for this movie was, the earth was getting warmer and warmer so humans created a machine to change the weather but it cause it to snow and snow without ever stopping. The colonies were made from the people who were lucky enough to get underground. Colony 5 and colony 7 has a pact to watch out for each other. In the movie they never say how many colonies there is. So when Colony 7 sends out a sos call. Laurence Fishburne (The leader of  colony 5) decides to go and see what happen. He takes two men with him one of them is the main Character Kevin Zegers and a kid (The first death of the movie). They travel to colony 7 where you learn about Zegers's Character. He had lost his whole family to the cold and was saved but Fishburne's character Once they get to Colony 7 they founded out it has been over run by  Cannibal. Of course Fishburne and Zegers get out of there but the kid dies. Then of course again the cannibals follows Fishburne and Zegers. I would tell you the ending but I wont ruin it, but ps. The ending isn't bad like most horror movies. 
Next movie is Spawn, now I would have to say yes this story line was great. I like the back story on Spawn like how Al becomes Spawn. All great but for the acting, it seem lacking like the actors may not have tried their best or something like that. The other problem was the graphics which were childlike but on the other hand the movie was made in 1997 which didn't have the best of graphics like today but the graphics were still good. This movie probably didn't have a huge budget since it is a superhero movie and Spawn wasn't a very famous superhero. Batman and Superman always got the spotlight . If they redid this movie they probably could very make it wonderful. If you don't know the plot of Spawn it is about a man who is an assassin, one of the best and his boss kills him because the devil henchman made a deal with him. So Al (The assassin/Spawn) dies by burning to death, then 5 years later Al comes back to life still scar by the fire. The Devil Henchman tried to get him to kill his old boss and that would turn Al into a monster but an Agent of God is trying to make him good. Spawn is about the war between God and The devil or good and evil. Spawn is wanted on both side, he has to find out whether he want to be good or bad. 
Michael Jai White as Spawn, Martin Sheen as Jason Wynn (Al/Spawn's Boss), John Leguizamo as Violator (The Devil henchman) and  Nicol Williamson as Cagliostro

You choose. Pick what shoes would go better with the outfit.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

 Purple is my favorite color to have on my clothes. Everybody has to have purple in their wardrobe. This picture contains clothes where you can ware on date night, to a wedding , or just a walk down the street. The purple makes the clothes pop and make you stick out.
Take a look at the little black dress collection I put together. What do you think? Too flashy.....

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"It's takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemy, but just as much to stand up to your friends."- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone.

Assassin Creed movie

We all heard of the game series Assassin's Creed. Some of us may of played it (Me!). Well Hollywood has taken on this game series for a movie.  Michael Fassbender is taking on the lead role in this movie. The only problem is he doesn't even play the games.... People are losing even more hope for this movie. Firstly most people would agree that Hollywood can't make video games into movies. There has been some pretty bad video game movies but then there been some that aren't that bad. Fassbender not playing the game may give this movie a edge. It doesn't have to follow the exact game. This could make the movie better. Personality I think that if the movie doesn't follow the exact game then it will make this movie a little more special and it will stay with you. That what a great movie does right? Stay with you for years and make you want to watch it again and again 
 But on the other hand, Fassbender won't know the character as well as some other which may make the character weaker or stronger in areas people wont like. What do you guys think?  
 This is a tricky case, lets hope Hollywood and Fassbender can pull this this off.
 - Cinderella  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Mephisto mark

This book is amazing! It is the third book in The Mephisto Covenant.  In the beginning I wasn't sure it be good and maybe that was because I loved the first two a lot. But I sat down and read it and by the time it was time for me to do something else beside read, I didn't want to set it down. Now I can't wait for the next book. If you love romance books then read this series.



         Welcome to Books, Movies, Fashion Oh My!

  There will be Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora. Each of us will be talking about our own subject. I, Belle, will be talking about Books. Cinderella will be talking about Movies. Aurora will be talking about Fashion. 
   We will be posting pictures and writing reviews. I will read a book then blog what I thought about it. I also be blogging about books that aren't out yet but look cool.  Cinderella will be doing the same thing but with movies. Aurora will blog pictures of different items of clothing and be asking which together would make the best outfit. She also be talking about the latest fashion. 
  If you want to email us our email is